Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections caused by Enterobacter cloaecae

Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections caused by Enterobacter cloacae

Enterobacter cloacae is a gram-negative bacterium that can cause significant infections in individuals of all ages. These infections often present as acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSIs), which can cause a range of symptoms.

ABSSSIs caused by Enterobacter cloacae can be divided into two categories: systemic infections and localized skin infections. Systemic infections include bacteremia, sepsis, meningitis, and pneumonia. Localized skin infections may include cellulitis, impetigo, wound infections, furuncles, abscesses, and carbuncles. Many of these conditions have the potential to become life-threatening without proper treatment.

Enterobacter cloacae is a common cause of nosocomial infections. It is often acquired when a patient is hospitalized or in a healthcare facility, such as a nursing home. Patients are particularly at risk for these infections if they have compromised immune systems due to medical conditions or treatments, such as chemotherapy or HIV.

The symptoms of a severe infection with Enterobacter include fever, chills, sweats, confusion, and difficulty breathing. Patients may also experience pain and swelling near the site of infection. However, mild cases may not display any symptoms at all.

Patients suffering from an ABSSSI caused by Enterobacter cloacae should seek immediate medical attention for diagnosis and treatment. Treatment typically includes antibiotics or combinations of antibiotics, depending on the severity and type of infection. In some cases, surgical drainage of the infected area may be necessary.

To help prevent infection, individuals should pay close attention to their hygiene and always use proper handwashing techniques. They should also avoid physical contact with those who may be infected and practice safe sex.

This article provides an overview of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections caused by Enterobacter cloacae. It is important to note that not all infections present the same symptoms and that professional medical advice should always be sought if an infection is suspected.