Nameseldopaque Forte

Nameseldopaque Forte Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Nameseldopaque Forte is a topical depigmentating agent that produces a reversible depigmentation of the skin by inhibiting enzymatic oxidation of tyrosine to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and suppressing melanocyte metabolic processes.

Trade Name Nameseldopaque Forte
Generic Hydroquinone
Hydroquinone Other Names 1,4-benzenediol, Hydroquinone, Quinol
Weight 2%, 4%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 4%
Type Topical cream, topical emulsion, topical gel
Formula C6H6O2
Weight Average: 110.1106
Monoisotopic: 110.036779436
Groups Approved, Investigational
Therapeutic Class Hydroquinone Preparations
Available Country United States
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am
Nameseldopaque Forte
Nameseldopaque Forte


Nameseldopaque Forte is used -

  • For the gradual bleaching of hyperpigmented skin conditions such as chloasma, melasma, freckles, senile lentigines and other unwanted areas of melanin hyperpigmentation.
  • To reduce hyperpigmentation caused by photosensitization associated with inflammation or with the use of certain cosmetics.

Nameseldopaque Forte is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Acne Vulgaris, Melasma, Skin hyperpigmentation, Moderate Melasma, Severe Melasma

How Nameseldopaque Forte works

Nameseldopaque Forte reduces melanin pigment production through inhibition of the tyrosinase enzyme, which is involved in the initial step of the melanin pigment biosynthesis pathway. Nameseldopaque Forte takes several months to take effect.


Nameseldopaque Forte dosage

Apply a thin film of Nameseldopaque Forte Cream to the effected area once daily, at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Gently wash the face and neck with a mild cleanser. Rinse and pat the skin dry. Apply Nameseldopaque Forte Cream to the hyperpigmented areas of melasma including about ½ inch of normal appearing skin surrounding eachlesion. Rub lightly and uniformly into the skin.

Therapy should be discontinued when control is achieved. During the day, use asunscreenof SPF 30, and wear protective clothing. Avoid sunlight exposure. Patients may use moisturizers and/or cosmetics during the day. Nameseldopaque Forte Cream is for topical use only. It is not for oral,ophthalmic, or intravaginal use.

Side Effects

No systemic adverse reactions have been reported. Occasional hypersensitivity (localized contact dermatitis) may occur in which case the medication should be discontinued.


Nameseldopaque Forte is a skin bleaching agent which may produce unwanted cosmetic effects if not used as directed. The physician should be familiar with the contents of this insert before prescribing or dispensing this medication.

Test for skin sensitivity before using by applying a small amount to an unbroken patch of skin to check in 24 hours. Minor redness is not a contraindication, but where there is itching or vesicle formation or excessive inflammatory response, further treatment is not advised. If no bleaching or lightening effect is noted after 2 months of treatment, the medication should be discontinued.

Contact with the eyes and lips should be avoided. Nameseldopaque Forte should not be applied to cut or abraded skin.

Food Interaction

No interactions found.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

Pregnancy Category C. Either studies in animals have revealed adverse effects on the foetus (teratogenic or embryocidal or other) and there are no controlled studies in women or studies in women and animals are not available. Drugs should be given only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the foetus.

Lactation: It is not known whether topical hydroquinone is absorbed or excreted in human milk. Caution is advised when topical hydroquinone is used by a nursing mother.


Nameseldopaque Forte is contraindicated to patients with prior history of hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to hydroquinone or other ingredients in the preparation.

Acute Overdose

There have been no systemic reactions from the use of topical hydroquinone. Some patients may experience a transient reddening of skin and mild burning sensation which does not preclude treatment.

Storage Condition

Store between 20-25° C. Protect from light.

Innovators Monograph

You find simplified version here Nameseldopaque Forte

Nameseldopaque Forte contains Hydroquinone see full prescribing information from innovator Nameseldopaque Forte Monograph, Nameseldopaque Forte MSDS, Nameseldopaque Forte FDA label


What is Nameseldopaque Forte used for?

Nameseldopaque Forte is used to lighten the dark patches of skin (also called hyperpigmentation, melasma, "liver spots," "age spots," freckles) caused by pregnancy, birth control pills, hormone medicine, or injury to the skin. Nameseldopaque Forte also known as benzene-1,4-diol or quinol, is an aromatic organic compound that is a type of phenol, a derivative of benzene, having the chemical formula C₆H₄(OH)₂. It has two hydroxyl groups bonded to a benzene ring in a para position. 

How safe is Nameseldopaque Forte?

Nameseldopaque Forte is deemed safe in the United States. There isn't any clinical evidence currently to suggest that Nameseldopaque Forte is harmful to humans. However, minor side effects are still possible. It may cause a temporary uptick in redness or dryness at first, especially if you have sensitive skin.

How does Nameseldopaque Forte work?

Nameseldopaque Forte bleaches your skin by decreasing the number of melanocytes present.

What are the common side effects of Nameseldopaque Forte?

Common side effects of Nameseldopaque Forte include:

  • Mild skin irritation and sensitization (burning, stinging)
  • Dermatitis.
  • Dryness.
  • Redness.
  • Inflammatory reaction.

Is Nameseldopaque Forte safe during pregnancy?

Whitening and brightening solutions with Nameseldopaque Forte are safe to use during pregnancy and won't harm the foetus.

Is Nameseldopaque Forte safe during breastfeeding?

Nameseldopaque Forte is not contraindicated during breastfeeding and if Nameseldopaque Forte is required by the mother, it is not a reason to discontinue breastfeeding. However, some experts feel that long-term use of Nameseldopaque Forte is difficult to justify in a nursing mother.

Can Nameseldopaque Forte make me blind?

Inhaling Nameseldopaque Forte can irritate the nose and throat.

Is Nameseldopaque Forte hazardous?

Nameseldopaque Forte is also a skin irritant in humans. Chronic (long-term) occupational exposure to Nameseldopaque Forte dust can result in eye irritation, corneal effects, and impaired vision.

Can I leave Nameseldopaque Forte on overnight?

Apply Nameseldopaque Forte cream once daily to clean, dry skin, preferably at bedtime, and leave on overnight.

Can I use Nameseldopaque Forte everyday?

Nameseldopaque Forte a tyrosinase inhibitor, in a 4% cream can be used safely twice daily for up to 6 months to treat post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The efficacy of this treatment can be enhanced by using a retinoid nightly and a mid-potent steroid, which is applied twice daily for 2 weeks, then at weekends only.

How fast does Nameseldopaque Forte work?

It takes about four weeks on average for the ingredient to take effect.

How long should I use Nameseldopaque Forte?

You can use the product for up to four months, and then begin to taper off use.

Can Nameseldopaque Forte be used in the morning?

Apply Nameseldopaque Forte in the evening after Retin-A and in the morning for 2 to 6 weeks prior to the procedure.

How often can I use Nameseldopaque Forte?

Nameseldopaque Forte a tyrosinase inhibitor, in a 4% cream can be used safely twice daily for up to 6 months to treat post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

How long does Nameseldopaque Forte take to work?

Nameseldopaque Forte takes about four weeks on average for the ingredient to take effect.

Can I take Nameseldopaque Forte for long time?

You shouldn't use products with this ingredient for more than five months at a time.

When should I stop taking Nameseldopaque Forte?

Nameseldopaque Forte stop application after five months. If your skin lightens, stop using Nameseldopaque Forte regularly and only use it if the dark spots reappear. Wait two or three months to use it in the same areas.

Who should not take Nameseldopaque Forte?

Do not use Nameseldopaque Forte topical on open wounds or on sunburned, windburned, dry, chapped, or irritated skin. Call your doctor if your symptoms do not improve after 2 months, or if your condition gets worse.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Apply the medicine as soon as you can, but skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next dose. Do not apply two doses at one time.

What happens if I overdose of Nameseldopaque Forte?

An overdose of Nameseldopaque Forte topical is not expected to be dangerous. Seek emergency medical attention if anyone has accidentally swallowed the medication.

What happen If I stop taking Nameseldopaque Forte?

Prolonged regular use of Nameseldopaque Forte may lead to exogenous ochronosis, which can cause blue-black pigmentation and papules, red bumps on the skin.

Is Nameseldopaque Forte hard on my heart?

Nameseldopaque Forte can cause dangerous effects on your heart, especially if you also use certain other medicines. Seek emergency medical attention if you have fast or pounding heartbeats and sudden dizziness

Can Nameseldopaque Forte affect my kidneys?

Nameseldopaque Forte produce significant histological alterations that might affect the liver and kidney.

Can Nameseldopaque Forte affects my liver?

Nameseldopaque Forte can remove the top layer of skin, increasing the risk of skin cancer and cause fatal liver and kidney damage.

*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.