
Benzedrex Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Benzedrex is an alpha-adrenergic agonist often used in nasal decongestant inhalers. It is used to give temporary relief for nasal congestion from colds, allergic rhinitis, or allergies.

Like other monoamine releasing stimulants propylhexedrine is active as a norepinephrine and dopamine releaser in the central nervous system. The acute effects of the drug closely resemble the physiological and psychological effects of an epinephrine-provoked fight-or-flight response, including increased heart rate and blood pressure, vasoconstriction (constriction of the arterial walls), bronchodilation, and hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar).

Trade Name Benzedrex
Availability Over the counter
Generic Propylhexedrine
Propylhexedrine Other Names Propylhexedrine
Related Drugs epinephrine topical, pseudoephedrine, sodium chloride nasal, phenylephrine nasal, Afrin
Weight 250mg,
Type Nasal device
Formula C10H21N
Weight Average: 155.2804
Monoisotopic: 155.167399677
Groups Approved
Therapeutic Class
Available Country United States,
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am


It is used to provide temporary symptomatic relief of nasal congestion due to colds, allergies and allergic rhinitis.

Benzedrex is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Nasal Congestion

How Benzedrex works

Propylhexidrine causes the norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin (5HT) transporters to reverse their direction of flow. This inversion leads to a release of these transmitters from the vesicles to the cytoplasm and from the cytoplasm to the synapse. It also antagonizes the action of VMAT2, causing the release of more neurotransmitters.


The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Propylhexidrine include Psychosis, Burning sensation.

Food Interaction

No interactions found.

Benzedrex Disease Interaction

Moderate: BPH, cardiovascular, diabetes

Innovators Monograph

You find simplified version here Benzedrex

*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.